We Believe:

  • There is only one living and true God revealed in three persons:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the same in substance, equal in power and glory.
  • In the substitutional atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • In only one condition of salvation:  faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, manifested in a godly sorrow for sin and a godly life.
  • In the personal abiding of the Holy Spirit in every believer.
  • That the Word of God, as contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the one rule of doctrine and duty, the only inspired and infallible guide.
  • In one day of judgment for all mankind, with its eternal rewards according to the deeds done in the body.
  • In one universal church of God, embracing all who are united to Christ by saving faith and divine grace.
  • There are two sacraments, Baptism and the Lord's Supper, which are observed by all Christians.